Sports Physiotherapy for Netball

Perform better and achieve your goals


How can RHP Physiotherapy help you?

Netball is a fierce and physically demanding sport played by many women around Australia. It is the most popular sport played by women in most Commonwealth nations, with approximately one million women playing in Australia.

The stop-start nature of Netball places a lot of work through the lower limb. This is reflected in the injury rates of knee and ankles being the most common cause for people taking short (and long) times recovering from injury.

Unfortunately the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) is injured more often in women playing sports such as Netball, Soccer (football) and Touch Football. These can take anywhere between 9-24 months to return to sport and unfortunately only 2/3rds of people manage a full return to the same level of sport.

This can be done better for both preventing knee and ankle injuries, but also returning to the game. Why return to the same physical ability? Why not more?

Sports physiotherapy is about enhancing performance, not just treating injuries.

RHP Physiotherapists will assess how you move, including running, landing patterns, balance, range of motion, and strength to guide exercise choice and training advice.  

RHP Physiotherapists have been the preferred Physiotherapy provider for Netball Queensland since 2015, working with:

  • Queensland Firebirds since 2015 (including two championships)
  • NQ State Age U19 and U17 teams
  • National League team (QLD Fusion/ QLD Sapphires)
  • Elite Development Pathway
  • QLD Based Australian Diamond athletes
  • QUT Netball Sapphire and Ruby teams
  • Local school and club teams for screening and education
  • RHP Physiotherapy are also Netball Australia KNEE program endorsed providers.

If you would like to know how you can improve your game – Contact Us now!