Alter G

Defy Gravity & Regain Function


Alter G

Pain in the hips, knees or ankles can limit your ability to walk or run. Returning to your preferred activity after a surgery or injury will do the same. To help keep you moving forward, the Alter G can take a load off… literally.

The Alter G is a revolutionary rehabilitation treadmill which allows you to select a percentage of your bodyweight to walk or run at. Regardless of whether you walk or run, slowly or quickly, or just need to get back to moving again after injury, this treadmill can assist your journey.

Kelvin Grove homes one of only a handful of Alter G treadmills in Brisbane.

The Anti-Gravity treadmill helps you:

  • Walk or run without pain
  • Maintain normal movement
  • Reduce the work through your lower body
  • Regain confidence in your walking or running
  • Recover movement quality with less discomfort

The treadmill does this by reducing your body weight to anything between 20-100%

The Alter G is unlike any other piece of training equipment available.

To register your interest or to book your personalised introductory session (including a FREE 20 minute treadmill session), contact us now on 07 3856 5566 or