Strength training for Plantar Fascia pain
At least one in 10 people will experience plantar fascia (foot) pain in their lifetime, and although it is relatively common, there are many misconceptions around how best to manage this pain. Those suffering will experience intense, but quite localised...
Post by Mal Fayers, B Phty APAM This week is Migraine Awareness Week in Australia. Headaches and migraines affect almost five million Australian’s each year. Migraines alone cost the economy $35.7 billion in 2018. Not to mention, they are painful,...
Knee OA (Part 2)
Post by Sam Donaldson, Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist What can you do? Thank you for following on through these blogs on knee osteoarthritis (OA). Hopefully, some of this information has been helpful and the same goes for what follows. Many...
Pain at night? An interesting, bony, case of inflammation
Post by Sam Donaldson (M.PhtySt, BAppSci(HMS), Physiotherapist APAM SMAM) Pain and pain science is an ever evolving and incredibly complex field of study with many, MANY contributing factors. For some more information on what pain is, how the brain is involved and...
Is it all in my head???
Yes! But that is normal. The pain experience is something that occurs in the brain. When you damage a muscle, tendon or ligamentous tissue, chemicals are released into the surrounding tissues. These chemicals, like substance P, bind with nerve endings...