Wrist instability
Effective use of our wrist and hand is important for all aspects of our life. If our wrist joint becomes unstable, it can alter the movement and function of our hand, and our entire upper limb. An unstable wrist can...
About holistic health, a physio’s perspective
As physiotherapists, we spend our days diving deep into the human body, unravelling the mysteries of pain and dysfunction. We focus on specific injuries, like a tweaked knee or a sore back. But what if we zoom out a bit?...
Stress and Nutrition: Separating Fact from Fiction for Better Health
As per our previous blogs we have made note of how ingrained stress has become in our lives. We have also noted the challenges that our typical environments place on us, resulting in more difficulty in managing stress. But it...
Stress in today’s lifestyle
Stress is incredibly common in our current lifestyles. We are constantly bouncing from deadline to deadline whether it is home, the workplace or even socially. It’s not something we see as avoidable in all instances and sometimes perhaps it can...
Embracing Calm: a guide for managing stress and general wellbeing.
Stress is fast becoming a major and silent contributor to poor health with links to various chronic health conditions as well as persistent pain problems. Far too often we see, as Physiotherapists, a patient with a painful condition that is...
Balance and Falls Prevention
Maintaining balance is a fundamental aspect of overall wellbeing, as we age, the importance of fostering stability becomes even more pronounced. Falls can have severe consequences, particularly in older adults, making it essential to proactively address balance issues. In this...
Healing Time Frames – When we have an issue in the tissue
Our bodies do a fantastic job at healing injured tissue. This timeline of healing does depend on the severity of the injury, and the type of tissue injured. Having an understanding of this timeline is extremely helpful in predicting overall...
Desk Job Survival Guide: Ergonomics and Exercises for Office Workers
In the digital age, the prevalence of desk jobs has become the norm, and with it comes a set of challenges for our musculoskeletal health. Folks that have prolonged hours of sitting are almost like the endurance athletes of the...
Strategies for Improving Knee Osteoarthritis: taming a grumpy knee
So, you have had some knee pain for a while and you think you may have knee OA. Maybe you have even had that diagnosed? Don’t despair! Here at RHP Physiotherapy, we have the people, equipment and a “toolbox” full...
Understanding Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition that can cause pain and stiffness in your knee joint. Imagine your knee joint as a smooth, gliding door. The cartilage acts like the slippery, yet compressive lining, keeping everything moving effortlessly. In...