Hamstring injury and how to prevent them.
The classic sign of a hamstring injury is that vision of an athlete in full flight wincing in pain and clutching at the back of their thigh before they fall in a heap. This is typical for an acute hamstring...
How to be successful in your sport!
The best sporting teams have one thing in common. Low injury rates! A successful team is one that has achieved the goals it set out to achieve at the end of their ‘season.’ This might be a usual 6 month...
How to get better in your sport
How to get better at your sport. Injury prevention is one of the most valuable investments in yourself you can make. Read on for why… At RHP Physiotherapy, we love sports. We also love helping athletes get better at their...
Groin pain in Football
Groin pain in football Groin pain is an unfortunately common complaint in football players and in many instances this injury is a reason some athletes stop playing all together. Otherwise known as “Osteitis Pubis,” this is one injury you would...
Do Niggles Matter?
Do niggles matter? The short answer is yes. Unfortunately niggles do matter! That tight hamstring, the pain in your knee that comes and goes, that annoying back pain that interrupts your day slightly. It might not affect your ability on...
Return to Sport after COVID-19: part 2
To determine the appropriate return to physical activity, the relative risk of the individual returning to physical activity will be considered by the doctor, in particular the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and chronic fatigue complications. Following a thorough clinical assessment...